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Whole what?


Surely you've heard the words " wholistic", mind-body medicine" and "wellness".

What do they really mean?   Too often they are little more than catch phrases.

I founded Wellness Springs over 24 years ago
before Yoga and Wellness were household words.


My treatment truly addresses the whole person.


This model of care:

  • Allows the luxury of quality time 

  • Focuses on the body mind connection,
    not just on areas of complaint

  • Teaches patients a roadmap to get and stay well

  • Is gentle and deeply healing - suitable for all ages

  • Is effective and affordable


What to expect during a treatment session HERE 







Hi, I am Dr. Maria. 
It is my passion to deliver care that
real change in the quality of your health

and  to teach you what you can do to stay well.
And then to motivate you, to do what you know!




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Image by Lawrence  Eaton

A Call to Action

At the core of my philosophy is the deep belief that pain and dysfunction are the body's way of communicating.  


Your body is not broken or just getting older. 


Pain is a call for action A request to make a change: 

  • of a habit

  • a posture

  • of how much or little you move 

  • what you focus on.


Like most warning signs, PAIN  often gets worse when ignored.  



Beautiful horse and rider
Golf clubs on a Golf course on a sunny day
Massage therapy on location at a corporate wellness venue
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